Immortal (Chess) Game – Daily Ranked 5-Minute Blitz – One Match – Session 3 – 12/30/2022

Third session of one daily ranked match of 5-minute blitz chess on “Immortal Game” blockchain chess game. Good match against “Rusian87”, who is ~ 200 ELO points higher, and who is always a good challenge.

Alternating daily ranked match play with up to five-minute viewing sessions of the following video today:

Why The Skewer Chess Tactic Is More Important Than You Thought

“ChessVibes” channel content is down-to-earth, and often organized into discrete segments which make alternative between playing matches, and learning, productive and enjoyable. Strongly recommend his channel.

Swami SAYS, “When life’s a MESS – play some CHESS.”… #SwamiSays

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