How I Crossed 1050 On – Rapid Rating Climb ( Speedrun)

Bobby Fischerman is here: @ChessAdventuresOfficial

👉🏽 Say hello to 1500 ELO 📈

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0:00 – Game 1 – Scotch Game!
3:21 – Game 2 – Sicilian Defense
9:06 – Game 3 – Avoiding The Stafford Gambit!

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  1. Я осознал что я оказывается очень хороший игрок. Не хватает опыта. Ещё игр 800 и у меня будет 1600 эло, хотя сейчас 850 я расту очень быстро и развиваюсь анализируя каждую игру и ища упущенные возможности.
    У меня было 600 эло а теперь 850 и почти 900

  2. Maybe Black gave up in 8:32 because the queen would be trapped after rook f1->b1? Am I missing something there?

  3. Kg3 on your last match prevents all checks from the black queen. Each check square aside from Qg6 is the only move that black could check on.

  4. the moment you stop uploading will probably be the moment i quit chess

  5. Before watching your vids I was stuck on the low 400s Elo. Learnt some tips and I’m now nearing 600 😁

  6. To surpass 1000 ELO you have to 1. know the rules of chess 2. follow the basic principals 3. think before you move. That's literally all it takes.

  7. Congratulations on surpassing 1000elo ❤❤

  8. Where is the rest of the video. Like this for the 1 hour long videos on this series.

  9. At 18:14 you said QxB2 is a move but that will result in a checkmate if you go QxF7 with check. King has to move and you get checkmate by taking the rook at QxE8. Happily correct me if I see it wrong, I'm a beginner

  10. im about 1300, hope i can play you in the future lol

  11. Good matches😁 I do learn by example. Definitely the rooks in the end game are extremely strong. Great vid👍👍

  12. your face when you saw king to g3 was the best move was priceless lmaoo

  13. I love following your thought process when evaluating different moves. I've been watching your videos for a few months now and my puzzle ratings have gone up from 1300 to at one point 1800, to 1712 today. I'm only 1000-1100 rapid though. I struggle to apply the same quality of evaluation in game as in puzzles. At least in game I follow the checks, captures, attacks checklist, but I can't seem to quickly find the best move yet.

  14. I know every middle game strategy, positional endgame every thing and still found it difficult to defeat 1300 rated player. Please anybody help me.

  15. Nelson, please continue to add puzzles in chess adventure channel..

  16. Great content, but can you make the rating climb videos longer? This was too short lol

  17. @chess vibes . love to watch your videos.please make more videos on the specific opening.
    your voice and explanation is amazing

  18. Against the stafford(according to my engine) you should just accept the gambit and play d3 your just up a pawn

  19. I've just gotten over 1100, and I'm a bit scared of getting paired with ChessVibes, I'm on the winning streak now:)

  20. Can u please play against Magnus🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏

  21. broo don't reduce the video length !!

    Keep it 1 hour long….24 mins is too short!!!!

  22. 16:15. Im terrible…but isnt taking with the pawn good? Avoiding that eventual fork on the bishop?

  23. These guys resign way to soon. They are in a bad place, but unless you are certain your playing someone on a speed run, they are making the same sort of blunders you are so give it a go, and let them blunder back.

  24. Anyone that plays Kg3 in that last game is using an engine.

  25. As a 1700 elo, would start watching fron the 1500 point

  26. the game against Mata-Tan- what happens if rook on F goes to B1?

  27. at the 10:14 i often use knight takes f7 pawn, in order to lure the king out, so black can't castle anymore.

  28. No, don't answer that phone! Come back!

  29. Could you play some d4 openings? It'd be nice to add a bit of variety.

  30. Isn’t there mate in 2 at 21:00 Queen to f7 check and then queen to g8. I don’t see a way black can defend. (300 elo here so I might be retarded).

  31. In the last game, instead of directly capturing the black bishop Kxf2 you could have played Bg5! forcing Qe8+ and THEN Kxf2, threatening both Re1 and Be7, denying black any counter-play whatsoever. (It seemed like you also missed this in your after-game analysis even though the engine actually suggested it.)
    It has been a very enjoyable series so far, and quite educational to hear your motivations for your moves and pointing out the mistakes of your opponents!

  32. At 16:18, is Rf1 something to consider. It allows the Bishop to escape, but if it does, then Rxf7 seems crushing by white. And if black checks you, the king can run to g1 without blocking the rook.

  33. This rating climb had been great content keep up the great work I appreciate it

  34. I really like these chess climbs. It is so nice that you go slow and explain everything – It is really helping my game.

  35. 24:26 B4+, if white blocks with bishop, sac Bishop with exchange. White must take wit Queen. Then Queen captures B1+, WQueen Blocks, Queens trade, Rook D8+. Track = +4 with 3 pieces of the board

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