FIDE Elo Rating List – September 2023 Chess Rankings with Carlsen, Caruana, Gukesh D and Nakamura!

Standings FIDE Elo Ranking September 2023 (official ratings) – the Top 10 Chess Players World Ranking, current chess elo ratings list and more! Who is the best chess player of the world? With Super Grandmaster Wesley So, Ex World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen from Norway, Alireza Firouzja, Mega Streamer Hikaru Nakamura, The Legend Vishy Anand (India) in the chess rankings! The Winners in the “top 10 in chess” list are Magnus Carlsen, Pragg, Gukesh D, Keymer and also Fabiano Caruana, who replaced Hikaru Nakamura as the number 2 in th chess world. Nepo did not play much, also the new World Chess Champion Ding Liren. Gukesh won a lot of points and is now the best Indian chess grandmaster, ahead of Anand! The FIDE Ratings from September 2023 and also the Live Elo in the next videos are here for you – the chess fans! Magnus Carlsen is still the clear leader but Alireza Firouzja was the official number 2 and lost it after Norways Chess to GMHikaru – but he is still the best junior! Video Topics: Elo Changes, FIDE Rankings, FIDE World Cup 2023, Norway Chess 2023, World Chess Championship 2023 Astana, Ding Liren, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Magnus Carlsen and much more!
#fide #elo #rankings #standings #list #gmhikaru

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FIDE Rating List 2023 (September) Top 10 Elo – Best Chess Players of the World – Chess Ratings International (Elo Rating worldwide)
The list in this video also includes big names in chess like GM Hikaru Nakamura, Ex Champ Vishy Anand and GM Alireza Firouzja plus of course the undefeated winner of the FIDE candidates tournament Ian Nepomniachtchi and Grandmaster Ding Liren – and also GM Wesley So, GM Fabiano Caruana & GM Anish Giri.

#alirezafirouzja #hikaru #nepomniachtchi #ding #wesleyso #anand #grischuk #radjabov #duda

Watch also my other chess news videos, for instance:

Underdog wins 1st prize in Chess Grand Prix – and 15.000 Dollars!

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Magnus Carlsen
World Cup
Hikaru Nakamura
FIDE Elo list
Anish Giri
Ding Liren
Norway Chess
World Chess Championships 2023
Ian Nepomniachtchi
chess rankings
top chess players
Elo numbers
best chess grandmasters
elo rating list
best chess players
fide rankings
elo rating
2700 players
live rankings
fide rating
top 10 list in chess
fide live rating
best woman chess player
FIDE Player list
best men chess player
FIDE Top players and Statistics
best player in the world
Elo changes
2800 players
fide candidates
Top 100 players in chess
Live rating chess
standard chess rating list
classical chess
ratings in chess
best grandmasters
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top 20
chess Top Ten