Rating comparisons for lichess vs FIDE, lichess vs Chess.com, lichess vs USCF, Chess.com vs FIDE, and Chess.com vs USCF. In this video, I explain how the ratings are compared, and how to convert ratings across systems. With 1000s of data points for every comparison, you can get a good idea of where you stand across different rating pools.
9:00 – Rating tables
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Comparisons explained –
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Well done, thank you for the website and youre work! Great!
As someone living in a flyover area with very few opportunities to play USCF events during COVID, thank you for the time you've invested into this. Absolutely doing God's work for people like me trying to track their progress online.
My FIDE rating is 1263. But online bullet maximum is 2045 and averages at 1900+. Which one doesn't seem right?
Are u saying chess.com rapid ratings r usually lower than blitz ratings?
I think the same as Edward, thanks a lot for the effort you have put in! It has helped me stay motived to keep improving until chess events reopen in my local area.
So essentially the online ratings number make it seem that players are stronger but when compared to rating by FIDE, the actual number will be much lower. So having a Lichess rating of blitz at 1600 plus, it is more like 1200 in the USCF. So the numbers that make me feel good are not really as good as I would hope.
Thanks for the analysis though. At least I get a sense of how they compare against each other.
Chess vs lichess in bullet, blitz and rapid:
1400 – 1600, 1750 – 1900, 1850 – 2000.
Most people prefer lichess because there are less cheaters, the interface and the tools are better, and it's free.
Inflation is necessary to make the casual players feel better about themselves. Most people prefer to live a beautiful lie…
I wish lichess ratings weren't as inflated but it's not as bad compared to chess24 and similar sites.
Tanks or compiling the data. Looks like a lot of work for the benifit of others. Thanks for this systematic study. Gave me some idea of my progress in past few months when Fide events were limited due to Covid.
Another banger vid!
I think there is a serious mistake in your model
2100 in Bullet Equivalent to 1700-1950 in Blitz
Question for you. I have never played OTB in real tournaments but I’ve played online for over a decade, and I always play 15 min games, 10 sec increment on Lichess (which is rapid). My rating in that is 2100. I want to know what my likely FIDE or USCF rating would be. How close am I to national master level (United States)? I know online is different than OTB, but what is the estimate? Thank you
So USCF and FIDE ratings have converged? I thought FIDE ratings were traditionally about 100 points higher.