In this video I will show you a strategic chess concept, the so called 7th rank. If you can occupy the 7th rank with a rook there are a lot of advantages. Most of these advantages exist due to a tactics. In this video I will show you a lot of ideas, tactics, motives that are connected to a rook on the 7th rank.
This video is for beginners to intermediate players who want to improve their chess, that’s my hope. I am a 2100+ FIDE rated player with a passion for the game and explaining and teaching it to anyone. My goal for you will be to increase your strength and understanding of chess strategy, since chess tactics are plentyfull and there are many resources available to you when it comes to chess tactics. Which is why I am focussing more on the strategy, which is was I love about the game and what makes it great in my opinion.
Answers to puzzles
► Top left: Qe1 – Nf3 – Rh2#
► Top right: Nf5 – Rd7
► Bottom left: c8Q – Qb7 (if black plays Qxb2 then Qc7)
► Bottom right: Be3 – Qh3 (if white plays Qxe3 then Qxd1)
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