Chess Lessons : Ranks, Files And Diagonal

How to Play Chess : Know About Ranks, Files And Diagonal (Rules for Beginners)
Chess is a board game of tactics and strategies that develop the mind and brain. There are a few advantages to playing chess.
1. Development of critical thinking skills
2. Logical reasoning skills
3. Problem-solving skills
Ranks are rows that go from side to side across the chessboard and are referred to by numbers. Each chessboard has eight ranks, which are numbered from the bottom of the board (where the white pieces start) on up.

Files are columns that go up and down the chessboard, and each board has eight of them. Because numbers indicate ranks, letters indicate files, which are labeled from left to right.
Diagonals go from south-west to north-east on a chess board, the main diagonal is a1/h8. There are 15 diagonals, with line-length from 1 to 8. A Diagonal is monochrome, all their squares are either white or black.
The naming conventions for ranks and files allows you to give an identifier to every square by using what chess people call the file-first method. For example, the lower right-hand square is called h1. This name is shorthand for h-file, first rank.

The chess board is made up of 64 squares in contrasting colors. The chess board is divided by eight horizontal ranks (from numbers 1-8) and eight vertical files (from letters a-h) so that each of the 64 squares on the board can be identified. The board also has diagonals (from h1 to a8 for example). In the first diagram below, the e4 square is a light-colored square intersecting the 4th rank and the e-file. In the second diagram, the a7 square is the dark-colored square intersecting the 7th rank and the a-file. This square has a pawn occupying it.
This method of identifying squares is used when keeping score and is called algebraic notation. In this notation each piece (except for the pawn) is identified by a letter. The King=”K” Queen=”Q” Rook=”R” Bishop=”B” Knight=’N”. For example, the move “Nf3” means the Knight will move to the f3-square. Feel free to view the following game to get an idea of the board and how the notation works (Thompson-Blood, 1874).

Look at the initial positioning of the facing armies. Two important rules should be learned here. The board should be positioned so that the white or lighter-colored square is always on the lower right-hand corner. In addition, always remember to place the queen on her color… light queen on lighter-colored square and dark queen on the darker-colored square. Remember, “white on right… queen on her color.”

Each chess game starts with two identical armies of contrasting colors. The lighter-colored army is considered “white,” and the darker-colored army is considered “black.” In these armies, each distinct piece has a function. The movements will be described in more detail in following lessons. Below is a chart giving the value of each piece.

Watch the video to learn more
How to play chess properly, a guide for beginners. This guide is designed to teach you chess basics, chess openings, endgames, tactics, and strategy.
This video also contains knowledge about the files, rank, and diagonals

To know about how the piece move and capture
Click this link –

Other References – Search For
How To Play Chess: The Ultimate Beginner Guide
How to Play Chess | Chess Rules for Kids, Parents & Coaches | ChessKid
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How to Play Chess: Rules for Beginners: Learn Game Basics, Board Setup, Moves, Castling, En Passant

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